
Page Options

Page Options

Recipe Design -  Choose from 6 recipe designs and 8 typestyles. Recipes will be printed in 10 pt. point or choose a large print at 12 pt. There is an additional charge for large print, as it will increase page count. Recipes are printed in a continued format* unless you select non-continued. For most cookbooks, non-continued recipes will add $.25 to $.50 to your cookbook price. Non-continued recipes are priced on the number of pages rather than the number of recipes. *if there are long recipes, thus increasing the size of your book, there may be an additional charge for the additional pages it creates in your book. For a non-continued recipe format, you can choose to have the standard, religious or custom fillers added to the bottoms of the pages as space allows. When our design team formats your cookbook, they will also create an alphabetical index by category to be placed at the back of the book, along with a Table of Contents for free. These pages will help individuals quickly reference where to find recipes. Specialty Paper Options - Call for Pricing White paper in 60lb, Cream Paper in 60lb