Online Recipe Submission
Enjoy a per book discount and order as few as 24 books with our online recipe entry option. Create a FREE, No-Obligation account today and see just how easy it is to enter recipes. Have full access to proofread your recipes and arrange them prior to submission. Best of all this is a data entry account so a designer will lay out your book based on the design options you select. Save $.25 per book on orders of 500 or more books $.15 per book on orders of 499 or fewer books.
Mail Your Recipes to be Typed
Gather your recipes and sort them to be sent in to be typed. This is a free option for orders of 100 books or more. Call for pricing of typing orders of under 100 books.
Electronic Files
In most cases, we can accept electronic files and work with them. Contact us and be prepared to email a sample of 5 to 10 pages for us to review.
Print Ready
Print ready projects are priced by our commercial department based on size, page count and any additional features. If possible, contact us before laying out your project so we can provide you with economical sizes to layout your book. Contact us for a packet on print ready submissions.
Custom Projects
Need special help with a project? Converting a recipe box to a keepsake treasure? Creating a history book, poetry book, workbook or another printing project? Contact us to discuss your project.