Grandma’s recipe is a family favorite and a must have at every reunion, but as time goes by many family recipes are lost. Preserving recipes by placing them in a family cookbook is a great way to ensure that they will be around for generations to come. However, making sure a recipe can be recreated from the original is another thing altogether. A generation or two back, many cooks measured ingredients with eyes and hands rather than measuring cups and spoons, and baking times were judged by smell and a quick peek rather than setting a timer. Today’s young cooks
Preventing and Finding Typos When Typing Recipes
Typos can easily hide in recipes. Spell check catches misspelled words, but sometimes our subconscious or auto-correct alters our attempt at typing ‘bake’ to ‘back’. Then there are those words that no matter how hard we try, we always type them wrong. Here are some tips to help find these errors and get them corrected before submitting your cookbook order. Read everything out loud. – When reading recipes out loud we are forced to really read the words that are there. It is easy to overlook mistakes when skimming through a recipe because our mind reads the word as it