
A Cookbook’s Journey to Print – Our Favorite Recipes, by Abilene School Food Service Association

Our Favorite Recipes Journey to Print Blog Image

A Cookbook’s Journey to Print Starts with Finding a Treasure Reprinting his mom’s cookbook Our Favorite Recipes, by Abilene School Food Service Association allowed Dusty Hudgins to preserve history and bring a vintage cookbook to a new generation. This cookbook’s journey to print started with Dusty going through his mom’s cookbooks after she passed away.  When he came across a book called Our Favorite Recipes, it caught his eye. Written on the inside front cover he found his mom’s signature and the date February 26, 1963. Later he posted a photo of the cookbook on social media and people began

Recipe – Baked Fish

Blog Image for Baked Fish Recipe

Here’s a tasty fish dish from our Recipe Library! Our recipe library is a great way to add extra recipes to your custom cookbook or use the library to create a simple quick cookbook for fundraising!  Ingredients: 1/4 C. butter 1/4 C. water 1/4 C. dry white wine 3 T. fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp. salt, divided 1/4 tsp. pepper 8 large basil leaves, shredded 1 1/3 C. instant white rice 1 medium red onion, sliced thin 1 small sweet red pepper, cored, seeded and thinly sliced 1 C. frozen peas 4 flounder, haddock or sole filets 1/4 tsp. lemon

Fundraising with Cookbooks

Fundraising with Cookbooks Blog Image

Custom fundraising cookbooks are a time-honored way of raising funds for a variety of causes. If you are looking to raise money and need a fundraiser with a proven success rate, check out our custom cookbook program. Fundraising Cookbooks are Easy & Simple! A cookbook project can be as easy or as complex as you want it to be. Personal fundraising projects are easy for an individual to put together and then donate profits. For groups, this is a perfect way to get everyone involved. People who contribute recipes are likely to purchase multiple copies giving groups upfront sales. Community

Collect Holiday Recipes for a Cookbook!

Collect Recipes During the Holidays Blog Image

Time to Collect Recipes The holidays are perfect for collecting recipes for a cookbook project. So many great foods are cooked and baked for holiday meals and parties. For busy families, easy-to-make quick meals help make time for holiday activities. With so many great recipes in use, it’s easy to collect favorites for a cookbook. A Few Tips for Recipe Collection Have recipe forms handy to copy recipes onto. Snap a photo with your phone of recipes you don’t have time to write down. Email interactive recipe forms to friends and family so they can easily send you their favorite recipes.

Creating a Cookbook During a Pandemic

Creating a Cookbook During a Pandemic Blog Image

Creating a Cookbook During A Pandemic The world of cookbooks is ever evolving and spring of 2020 will bring a whole new realm of cookbook evolution.  The good news is with people home more they are cooking more, so cookbooks that were gathering dust are being cracked wide open. Moms and grandmas are answering questions ranging from boiling water to how to bake bread. It’s a time of returning to basics and more people will be making sure they have a good quality cookbook in the cupboard from here on out. Cookbooks versus E-books What about e-books, what about online